Anti Slavery And Human Trafficking Statement
Thursday 5th January 2023
CherryField is committed to taking all necessary steps to ensure that our company policies and working practices help combat the global issues of slavery and human trafficking. We have updated our company policies and procedures to specifically address these issues and have bolstered our current systems to reinforce our zero-tolerance company stance against modern day slavery and human trafficking. We have informed our suppliers of our expectations of them to monitor their supply chains.
CherryField is a global apparel provider, with headquarters situated in various countries. We collaborate with leading compliance companies wherever our supply chain operates. This enables us to manage our suppliers' performance and monitor our supply chains more closely. We are conducting business ethically and with integrity with effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our business. To ensure all suppliers and contractors comply with our values and ethics we have in place a robust supply chain compliance program.